The Maitland HealthStays Project
HealthStays is a groundbreaking project launched as a combined initiative of Rotary Clubs of Maitland. Our mission is to provide comfortable and safe accommodation for outpatients of Maitland Hospital and the surrounding health precinct, as well as families and friends supporting their loved ones.
With strong initial support from the community, local members of parliament and experienced medical professional we are seeking ongoing funding, philanthropy and corporate commitment to see this project come to fruition, supporting the transformation of the healthcare experience of future generations.
HealthStays is engaged with the Regional (Not for Profit) Accommodation Providers Group and have undertaken robust demand and financial analysis – currently in the concept phase, this project has the potential to make a significant impact on the wellbeing of communities throughout the Hunter Valley and regional NSW, and is seeking support to progress.
Our Mission
To provide convenient, affordable, sustainable, quality accommodation in a caring environment for Maitland Hospital and specialist patients and their carers who travel to Maitland for health care.
The Path to Success
Following is the draft project timeline for the Maitland HealthStays project.
Maitland HealthStays is Operational
Construction Commences
Project Land is Secured
Detailed Design and Quantity Survey Complete
Finalise Funding Models, Land and Partnerships
Concept Plans and Draft Quantity Survey Complete
Explore Funding Models, Land and Partnership Opportunities
Governance Structure Implemented
Needs Identified